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Organizational benchmarking 

Gain deeper insights into your business by benchmarking against peers  

Can benchmarking help you navigate Transformations?

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, 70% of transformations fail. The culprits? Stalling, lack of accountability, and inadequate planning. Many organizations struggle to gain clear, actionable insights into their workforce, leading to ineffective structuring and communication of these insights. This is where effective benchmarking comes into play, providing a powerful tool to guide and enhance transformation efforts. 

So can you use benchmarking to increase your chances at transformation success? 

What is benchmarking?

Benchmarking is an essential guide that informs intelligent workforce decisions. It provides a data-driven approach that ensures organizations set and strive toward common, quantifiable goals, thereby fostering alignment and accountability. The age-old principle of “what gets measured gets managed” is at the heart of successful organizational transformation. By measuring and comparing against industry peers or relevant benchmarks, organizations gain invaluable insights that drive deeper discussions with executives, explaining current operations and identifying areas for improvement.

Challenges addressed through effective benchmarking:

  • Lack of clear organizational insightsDifficulty in structuring and communicating insights, or in stats supporting / confirming what a team might already know. 
  • Uncertainty of impactInability to determine whether workforce changes have a positive or negative impact. 
  • Unquantified opportunitiesDifficulty in identifying and quantifying opportunities for improvement. 
  • High risk due to uncertaintyUncertainty about direction increases the risk of failure. 

Introducing Orgvue

Orgvue is a SaaS platform designed to help you optimize your workforce quickly and immediately, while also investing in long-term productivity and agility. As a leader in workforce transformation, it offers a comprehensive suite of products and services that can be used together or separately to achieve different objectives, and provides its customer with deep insights into organizational performance.

Benchmarking with Orgvue enables data-driven decision-making to drive organizational transformation and design, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and quantifiable success. It can help you answer questions such as:

  • How does your organization compare to peers in terms of size, structure, efficiency, and complexity?
  • How do different functions vary in their spans of control, layers, and overheads?
  • What are the best practices or design principles for your industry or organization size?
  • How are your internal benchmarks aligned with external benchmarks? 
  • How are market trends and disruptions affecting your organization design and performance?
A diagram of a cycle reading clockwise: Analyze, Design, Plan, Monitor

Analyzing benchmarks from different sources

At Orgvue, we offer different types of benchmarking, whether it’s bringing your own benchmarks, comparing against Orgvue’s extensive database of organizational metrics, or using labor market intelligence.

Contact our team to discuss the best approach for you.

Value of Orgvue’s Benchmarking capability:

Designed by transformation experts, Orgvue’ benchmarking solution provides organizations with the insights needed to drive successful transformations, whether at a point in time or continuous organizational design.

  • Accelerate decision makingProvide data-driven, clear, and actionable insights. Identify and quantify opportunities for improvement and drive organizational action based on benchmark data.
  • Boost confidenceBe sure of areas identified for improvement and validate hypotheses. Communicate with leadership using clear metrics and benchmarks to demonstrate progress and impact. 
  • Enhance leadership communicationAlways have quantifiable proof at hand, offering real metrics to validate and demonstrate success. Clearly measure the impact of transformations, and provide instant and clear visualizations for stakeholder communication. 

How it works


External comparison

Monitor your organizational health by understanding core structural metrics and how they stack up against comparable industries and businesses of similar size.

You’ll be able to benchmark specific functions, against metrics such as Span of control, organizational layers, and much more.

Compare core metrics to industry

Evaluate against against key metrics and visualize organizational performance


Comprehensive dataset and visualization

Evaluate how your organization is doing against 17+ key metrics, and visualize organizational performance.


Detailed comparison vs. peer group

Monitor metrics filtered by organizational size and industry with the ability to deep-dive on specific functions.

Benchmarking your organization’s shape against your industry

Example dashboard


Visual insights

Use interactive boxplots, dashboards, and charts to review your organizational metrics and shape


Quarterly insights

Get data refresh, quarterly reports and review sessions summarizing population, updates, and practical tips for interpreting results.

Example of quarterly reports

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