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HR Technology Online Conference

Join us on June 12 at 3.30-5.30pm

Human Resources Executive HR Technology Conference & Exposition logo alongside a headshot of Akhil Chauhan

We are thrilled to announce that Orgvue is proudly sponsoring the 2024 HR Technology Online Conference. We are excited to join the virtual precursor to our sponsorship of the HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas this coming September.

HR Tech Online delivers insightful and timely keynotes, data and tactic-rich case studies, fast-moving talks on cutting-edge industry topics, and more. On June 12th from 3:30-3:50pm, Akhil Chauhan, Senior Solution Consultant at Orgvue, will be presenting on Navigating AI in Workforce Transformation & Organizational Design. Artificial intelligence and other cognitive technologies are making a big impact on how companies operate, and it’s causing business leaders to quickly and fundamentally rethink how work is being done.

Join us to help stay on top of AI in workforce transformation, other current trends, and best practices for using technology to meet the evolving needs of today’s workforce.

For more details and registration, please visit the official conference website.

Meet our speaker

Head, Person, Face

Akhil Chauhan, Senior Solution Consultant, Orgvue

Akhil is a Senior Solution Consultant in North America. Akhil has spent years working with Orgvue customers going through transformative change programs, from large scale organization design projects to detailed work and activity analyses. 

Akhil’s experience spans the suite of Orgvue’s solutions. He is passionate about enabling customers with these solutions and solving their problems using technology.


Visit HR Technology Online’s website to register