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Monitoring and Tracking

Keep an immediate, clear and actionable line of sight on your progress and connect it to your business objectives.

Do you have the right visibility into your organization?

In today’s fast-moving business landscape, keeping a clear view of your organization’s structure and progress is essential. Orgvue offers powerful solutions to help you achieve this—whether you need to monitor headcount and costs in real-time or track your progress against plans and targets. From out-of-the-box insights to advanced tracking capabilities, Orgvue ensures you have the visibility and control you need to make informed decisions and steer your organization toward success.  

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Perhaps what you measure is what you get. More likely, what you measure is all you’ll get.

H. Thomas Johnson

1- Headcount and cost monitoring

The Orgvue monitoring capability is our out-of-the-box solution for monitoring your organization’s key metrics. With dashboards, interactive org charts, and visualizations, you’ll have a complete picture of your business at any moment.

It allows you to easily visualize changes, understand where it’s happening, and why.

  • Visualize net change in the workforce by month: Understand which areas are experiencing change, helping you make strategic decisions
  • See headcount and cost impacts on the business: View the effects of hiring or movement by department or cost center, allowing you to manage resources effectively
  • Analyze organizational shifts by verticals: Break down changes by country, department, job family, or pay grade, so you can pinpoint the source of any significant changes

2- Advanced tracking

For organizations that require deeper insights, Advanced Tracking offers enhanced capabilities. Building on Orgvue’s monitoring capability, it enables you to track progress against targets, forecasts, and strategic goals. It provides a way to measure performance, identify deviations, and take action where needed, helping you stay on course and make informed decisions.

  • Track your progress against key targets and budgets: Automatically compare actuals with your planned outcomes to identify variances and determine where adjustments are necessary
  • Forecast future state and their impacts: Use data-driven forecasts to understand how upcoming changes will affect your headcount, costs, and overall strategy.
  • Drill down into detailed breakdowns: Analyze headcount and cost trends by month, quarter, or year to uncover the specific areas and reasons behind deviations.
  • Visualize historic workforce trends: Review headcount and cost data to identify patterns and anticipate future challenges, helping you prioritize actions.
  • Course-correct based on data: Gain insight into under- or over-budget areas, and make real-time adjustments to hiring, spending, or resource allocation to keep your organization on track

How it works


Headcount and cost monitoring

  • Understand month-over-month shifts, including joiners, leavers, and employees you move internally
  • Visualize net changes by month and department to identify areas of high turnover or growth
  • See the headcount and cost impacts of hiring at both aggregate and department levels
  • Drill into detailed changes to track how employees or positions have been added, moved, or exited
  • Break down changes across verticals such as countries, departments, job families, or pay grades
A comprehensive Orgvue dashboard split into two sections: the top section features a 'Salary Waterfall' chart displaying salary changes over time from January to December, with bars representing increases or decreases in salary amounts.

Understand the different reasons the headcount and cost shift month over month, and locate the changes

Orgvue graph titled 'Leaver - Dec 23 Count (103)' showing a bar chart of full-time equivalents (FTE) from November to April, illustrating fluctuations in employee numbers.

See how entire teams are changing: Understand which positions have been added, changed or closed

Two financial graphs titled 'Cost trends over time'.

Understand cost trends over time

Detailed data table titled 'Actuals vs Target, detail' showcasing a comparison of actual and planned full-time equivalents (FTEs) and salaries across various departments for multiple months.

View your actuals vs your target


Advanced tracking

  • Track progress against your plan by aggregating actual headcount and cost trends, automatically calculating deviations from budgets
  • Use forecasted changes to assess future impacts and compare new models with actuals to guide decisions on moving forward
  • Drill into breakdowns by month, quarter, or year to identify why or where you’re off plan and make necessary course corrections
  • Visualize historic trends and pinpoint deviations in headcount or cost to focus on areas needing attention
  • Hold leaders accountable by tracking the net impact of planned actions against actuals

Customer story

Using Orgvue to track against targets and see cost reduction over time


Cost savings

Cost savings tracked in real time.


Business partners

150 business partners collaborating on Orgvue.


Business records

Records managed in one view of the global program.

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We needed a system to show how our 150 HR business partners in 30+ countries were doing against the targets in their areas.

CFO, Leading global manufacturer

Business goal

  • Reduce costs by $300m through a global workforce restructure
  • Track the benefit of synergies and talent decisions in real time
  • Enable visibility and transparency of governance and control
  • Enable HR and Finance to speak a common language that will improve collaboration


  • Made use of the workforce plan built previously
  • Replaced regional Excel-based monitoring with a universal view and visually engaging reports
  • Monitored plans centrally against one dataset with organization-wide accessibility and regional views
  • Tracked and monitored the organizational system to show progress against targets and gaps in performance
Monitoring and tracking your organization

Data sheet

Tracking and monitoring

Learn more about how Orgvue can help you to monitor your business over time, from data to design to delivery and back again.

  • Connect data at various points in time with predefined targets, so you can spot opportunities and course correct initiatives in flight.
  • Report on metrics such as cost, headcount and full time equivalent
  • Drill into position or person level detail
  • A real customer story of tracking and monitoring

Book your free demo

Design your business of tomorrow, today. Discover what Orgvue can do for your organization first-hand.