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Workforce planning self assessment

In only one minute compare your company’s capability against our industry benchmark and get your free report with hints, tips, and recommended next steps

Compare your company’s workforce planning capability against our industry benchmark, based on market research and feedback from our customers.

Find out what more you can do to build a world-class practice–whether you’re just starting out or have already built an experienced, dedicated team. The self assessment only takes one minute to complete.

  • 1 minute to complete
  • 6 questions
  • Summary of your current level of maturity in workforce planning
  • See how you compare with the overall industry benchmark
  • Free report with hints, tips and recommended next steps

Free workforce planning report

On completing the self assessment you will immediately see your free report for your company where your results are compared to the industry benchmark of an effective workforce planning practice. The report is full of hints, tips and recommended next steps to take to develop your workforce planning capabilities and maturity.

Safe and secure

Your data is completely private and confidential. Although the report shows personalized results, there’s nothing to show it’s about your business. All assessment data will be anonymized and aggregated to keep the industry benchmarks up to date.

See sample report

Click the report to open in a new browser tab.