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Organization modeling

Model the future, assess the impact of your decisions and get your business where it needs to be.

Model the future at pace, and scale and design your business with confidence

Planning and visualizing the future of the workforce is becoming crucial for businesses to thrive. The process of designing large organizations, choosing a direction and implementing it can often catch business off-guard. With the amount of data scattered across different systems, departments and markets, it can be challenging to see the financial implications on certain basic metrics and the slow and manual overall process. There is a need for a data-driven technology, purpose-built for businesses to model the future of their workforce, so they can move forward and implement change with certainty and confidence. 

Benefits of Orgvue for organization modeling & workforce modeling

Orgvue is a purpose-built SaaS platform capable of handling complex data to enable you to model the future at pace and scale.

Spiral, Coil, Disk


Take a data-driven approach, integrating data from different sources into one source of truth

  • Ensure you have one single source of data which you can trust and refer to 
  • Model the organization at top level and see the impact at position level 
  • Quickly and easily test, adopt, amend or discard ‘what if’ scenarios
First Aid, Text


Model through multiple viewpoints, connecting workforce, roles, cost and skills

  • Connect decision making to data across the organization 
  • Align organizational design with the operational plan  
  • Automatically see the financial impacts of potential decisions
Hoop, Text, Scoreboard


Build the plan from your design and engage stakeholders with compelling storytelling

  • Engage stakeholders with powerful visuals, either directly in Orgvue, or export to PowerPoint
  • Co-create globally and at scale on multiple workstreams
  • Take advantage of Orgvue’s expertise to build a center of excellence and drive implementation
Screen, Electronics, Monitor


Track progress, spot opportunities and course-correct initiatives when needed

  • Allow for short continuous planning cycles, for a business that is adaptable and responsive 
  • Track progress against targets, and continuously remodel at pace and with confidence 
  • Use compelling visuals to report value realization

How Orgvue works for modeling organizations

Orgvue has a defined approach to org and workforce modeling, but is adaptable to different organizations and their needs.


Visualize your current state and identify areas that need attention

Use Orgvue’s pre-built visuals to see your organization as a whole, align with your strategic goals and decide which areas need your attention.

A bar graph titled

Screenshot from Orgvue showing the span of control by department across the organization


Showing the VP of Market Research being outsourced in the modeling process in Orgvue


Model your workforce with drag-and-drop

Build scenarios through a series of ‘drafts’ and compare ‘as-is’ with ‘to-be’. Whether it’s at enterprise level or at a more detailed level, try out different scenarios, and see which one helps you achieve your business objectives before you commit. 


Take a ‘what if’ approach to building scenarios

Design and model multiple viewpoints by asking “what if” questions​. Connect decision making to data across the organization and easily test, adopt, amend or discard scenarios such as:

A comprehensive OrgVue dashboard titled

Screenshot from Orgvue showing the marketing leadership team, including the impact of changes made on the team

Two bar graphs side by side from OrgVue, comparing

Screenshot from Orgvue showing the cost comparison between ‘as is’ and ‘to be’ design


Instantly see the impact of your business modeling

As you’re working on your design, Orgvue will allow you to accelerate speed to insight by showing you the impact of scenario changes to FTE, cost, depth, spans of control or any other metric. You’ll be able to manage multiple workstreams with separate ‘drafts’ based on the structure of your project, and compare and remodel in a safe, risk-free environment.

Connect decision making to data across the organization and easily test, adopt, amend or discard scenarios. 


Compare the impact of organization modeling changes against the baseline and extract powerful visuals

Review the design impact on a position at a detailed level and at an enterprise level. Compare your organization models against the baseline, and manage the change process through visual reports for stakeholder engagement ahead of incorporating them into plans.​

A bar graph titled

Assess the impact of changed positions on your overall cost

Quick and easy option

Organization Modeling guided experience

Orgvue offers a quick and easy option for a fast and collaborative way of designing your ‘to be’ organization, through a simple pre-defined process with instructions along the way:

  • Set up the correct dataset and fields in minutes, before involving colleagues in the design work
  • Get the right contributors to organization model scenarios regardless of prior Orgvue experience, thanks to:
  • An easy-to-use and intuitive interface
  • A pre-defined 4-step process to successfully model your business
  • Guidance and videos at every step of the way

Ask our experts to find out if this guided experience is the right option for you.

Click play to see organization modeling guided experienced in Orgvue in action

A screenshot from OrgVue's "Model changes" section within the organisational modelling platform.

Screenshot showing modeling in Orgvue, where users can add, remove, and change positions while keeping an eye on their overall progress

Customer story

Enabling enterprise-wide transformation using future state modeling


Upskilled OD practitioners


Global workstreams managed simultaneously in Orgvue


Countries impacted by new operating model

Logo, Trademark, Symbol

We finally found a data-driven platform made to handle heavy and complex data, and with strong org design and modeling capabilities. This was exactly what we needed.

Head of Transformation

Business goal

  • To shift from the old operating model to a new way of approaching the market
  • Redesign the support functions to align to the new operating model.
  • Include the development of in-house capability to allow sustained continuation of new operating model.


  • Designed a multi-stage business-wide approach that is repeatable and scalable.
  • Upskilled 150+ HR and business partners, for a decentralized and sustainable program
  • Developed a standardized data architecture, modeling environment and reporting suite.
Organization modeling data sheet

Data sheet

Organizational modeling

Get your business where it needs to be with Orgvue. Adaptable to different organizations and their needs, Orgvue can help:

  • Visualize your current state and identify areas that need attention
  • Model different scenarios and instantly see the financial impact
  • Compare the impact of design decisions and engage stakeholders

Organizational Modeling FAQs

What is the purpose of the organization model?

An organizational model is designed to outline the structure and design of an organization in a way that aligns with its goals, strategies and operational needs. It serves as a blueprint that defines how an organization functions, distributes responsibilities and manages workflows. 

By establishing clear roles, reporting hierarchies and communication channels, an organizational model facilitates coordination and collaboration among teams, optimizes resource allocation and enhances efficiency. It also provides a framework for decision-making and problem-solving, enabling the organization to adapt to changes in the market or operational challenges. Ultimately, a well-designed organizational model supports the organization’s mission and vision, driving its success and sustainability.

What is an organizational business model?

An organizational business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. It encompasses the organization’s value proposition, customer segments, channels for delivering products or services, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships and cost structure. 

This model is fundamental for understanding how the company operates, competes in the market and achieves profitability. It guides strategic planning and decision-making, helping leaders identify opportunities for growth, innovation and competitive advantage. An effective business model not only articulates the way an organization works internally but also how it interacts with customers, partners and other external entities.

What is organization modeling?

Organization modeling refers to the process of creating abstract representations of how an organization functions, including its structures, processes, information flows and systems. This can involve a range of methodologies, such as process modeling, data modeling and system dynamics modeling, depending on the aspects of the organization being examined. 

The goal is to provide a clear, comprehensive view of the organizational operations, identify inefficiencies, and explore potential improvements. Organization modeling is a critical tool in business analysis, change management and strategic planning, allowing stakeholders to visualize and assess the impact of changes before they are implemented. It helps in aligning organizational processes with strategic objectives, enhancing performance and fostering innovation.

Book your free demo

Design your business of tomorrow, today. Discover what Orgvue can do for your organization first-hand.