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The Orgvue platform

Organizational design and workforce planning that brings together strategy and people

How Orgvue helps

in a changing world

See your organization like never before, in all its complexity. Explore alternative futures and plan for the models you create. Then continually monitor your evolution to make the most of every opportunity. All with Orgvue, the organizational design and workforce planning SaaS platform.

Our customers
M&T Bank
Johnson & Johnson
Red giant eagle logo with two green leaves
Anglo American
Bank of Ireland
HM Government
Wonderful Citrus

Solving your challenge

Meet your strategic business challenges

For every design and planning challenge, we have a solution. Orgvue puts an organizational structure in place to ensure you have the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Helping you bridge the gap between workforce demand and supply.

Organizational design

Organizational design with Orgvue is an ongoing and cyclical process of continual improvement, with access to best-in-class methodology on a single platform.

Design for success

Workforce planning

Through a combination of SaaS and advisory services, Orgvue helps you establish the target demand and manage gaps between workforce supply and demand.

Plan to succeed

Organizational transformation

In a constantly changing world, Orgvue has the design and planning capability to shift your organization structure, size and talent in response to change.

Adapt and capitalize

Mergers and acquisitions

Deliver promised value with Orgvue as your workforce planning platform – from post-merger integration and value realization through to workforce optimization.

Drive value

Agile organizations

Successfully build, run and sustain agile structures for agile organizations with Orgvue.

Change fast

Workforce transformation

Redefining the work and skills required for your business to thrive. Discover a new way to look at the workforce and learn how Orgvue helps.

Learn more

Why should you choose Orgvue?


Get up to speed with a purpose-built platform that’s able to handle large and complex data, simultaneously and in multiple workstreams.


Get the big picture. Connect decision making to data across all parts of your organization to plan and design with depth and breadth.


Create scenarios, undertake collaborative modeling and monitor progress to create an agile and adaptable organization fit for the future.

Benefits of Orgvue

How we add value
to your business

Acquire a unique perspective on your organization and its workforce with Orgvue. A perspective from which you can continually model, plan and monitor business developments, and adapt, at speed, to any eventuality.     

Data driven

As Orgvue handles and aligns large, complex data sets with multiple workstreams at the same time, you can model, spot opportunities and answer speculative questions in the moment.

Petal, Flower, Plant

Time saving

Restructure in a fraction of the time by quickly building a central data baseline that takes into account the regional variations within complex multinational organizations.

Petal, Flower, Plant


Find out all about our security and compliance standards including our ISO, CSA STAR and other certifications. Also learn about our data and privacy protection and live Orgvue platform availability. In other words, all the evidence of why you can trust us.

Find out more about security

Text, Number, Symbol
Petal, Flower, Plant

Streamline the structuring of agile teams, source talent to meet demand and continuously recalibrate by modeling and visualizing multiple hierarchies and dotted-line reporting. 

Petal, Flower, Plant
Cost effective

See how your plans impact your strategy and costs, then choose the best model to meet the needs of your business and both HR and Finance stakeholders.

Petal, Flower, Plant
Aligned with goals

With a holistic, end-to-end view of your business on a single platform, you’ll be able to plan accordingly and align with your business goals through cycles of continuous improvement.

Petal, Flower, Plant
Future focused

Focus forward and ask the ‘what if’ questions for the future. Constantly plan, monitor and manage, so you can confidently take control of the way your business is resourced.

Find out how Orgvue can help you plan for your future

See Orgvue in action

Orgvue uses your data to help you grow and shape your business. The ultimate in future readiness.

See the organization’s hidden truths

  • Rapidly import and clean data at scale
  • Quickly build a baseline view of your workforce
  • Analyze any dimension or measure in depth
  • Export to PowerPoint to share with your team

Design the organization-as-a-system

  • Map positions, roles, activities and competencies
  • Model your future organization
  • Manage multiple workstreams, securely
  • Track implementation against ‘to-be’ design

Plan your workforce from end-to-end

  • Forecast supply over planning horizon
  • Simulate top-down view of demand
  • Model bottom-up demand at position level
  • Reconcile plans to align your business

Monitor performance continuously

  • Monitor actuals and forecast against targets
  • Track in-flight initiatives in real time
  • Spot opportunities and risks early
  • Recommend actions to stay on track

Customer stories

Our customers

Meet the industry leaders and get to know our platform and services.

M&T Bank
Johnson & Johnson
Red giant eagle logo with two green leaves
Anglo American
Bank of Ireland
HM Government
Wonderful Citrus


Major global bank


cost savings


completed project in 1/3 of time


fewer resources needed


Global chemical business


fewer resources needed


business partners collaborated


data records in one view


Insurance company


saving on labor costs


saving on managerial and overhead costs


reduction in organizational layers

More case studies

Aviva Case Study Orgvue case study: Aviva
Orgvue helped Aviva, a Financial Services organization, with workforce modeling, design and transition to their future organization for a fast and accurate post-merger integration at lower cost and risk.
TVH Case Study TVH embraces strategic workforce planning to build a future-ready organization
A five-year strategic workforce plan will assess the impact of different transformation initiatives on workforce demand and identify gaps in the available workforce supply.
Danone Case Study Danone adopts continuous approach to organizational development
Discover how Danone leverages Orgvue to revolutionize its organizational development. Explore how this innovative platform propels Danone towards an integrated workforce planning process aligned with future organizational and talent requirements.

Explore more of Orgvue

Organizational design and
planning for a changing world

We connect business strategy with your workforce and the work they do, enabling you to adapt quickly to change and bring about a cycle of continuous improvement. Here’s how:

Leaf, Plant, Logo


Accelerate design and planning with features and capabilities aligned to the objectives of your complex organization.

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Choose an Orgvue package to reflect the particular needs and priorities of your organization. They can all be fully configured to your business requirements.

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Find out all about our security and compliance standards, our data and privacy protection and live Orgvue platform availability. In other words, all the reasons why you can trust us.

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Case studies

Meet our customers and hear their stories to learn about how Orgvue has helped them.

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Organization design

Organizational design with Orgvue is an ongoing and cyclical process of continual improvement on a single platform.

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Workforce planning

Through a combination of SaaS and advisory services, Orgvue helps you establish the target demand and manage gaps between workforce supply and demand.

Learn more

Book your free demo

Design your business of tomorrow, today. Discover what Orgvue can do for your organization first-hand.