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AI and cognitive technology solution brief

A workforce transformation imperative

Artificial intelligence and other cognitive technologies are impacting organizations everywhere and business leaders need to reconsider how work is done on a regular basis. Not only will these technologies transform how businesses organize themselves, but they will also accelerate the pace of change.

Embedding AI in the organizational structure at scale and in a distributed way is challenging. There are many questions to answer. How will these technologies displace our workforce? Will they replace or augment workers? How will introducing them change the type of work we do to achieve our business goals and what will the associated costs of these changes be?

Read our latest solution brief and learn more about how we can help you with:

  • Understanding the work your organization does through activity analysis
  • Modeling your future skills demand
  • Introducing AI to close talent gaps

Download the solution brief now. Simply click the cover to open it in a new tab in your browser.

If you’d like to learn how Orgvue can help you or to see Orgvue in action, get in touch today.