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Mastering organizational change

Key takeaways from our Gartner roundtable discussion.

Published by Orgvue 

An image representing managing organizational change.

Change is the only constant in today’s business environment and, as HR leaders, we’re at the forefront of driving organizational transformation.

At the Gartner ReimagineHR conference on September 11-12 in London, our CEO Oliver Shaw had the privilege of participating in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion on managing change effectively.

Here we share the key takeaways and insights from that conversation, offering valuable advice on how to align talent with the needs of an adaptive organization.

Key takeaways

Below are nine takeaways covering people, planning, data, and communication:

  • Involve the right peopleSuccessful change requires involvement of the right individuals. Make sure you have a diverse group of stakeholders engaged in the change process.
  • Enlist support from leadershipTo drive any transformation, it’s essential to secure leadership buy-in. Support from leadership provides the necessary resources and authority to make changes effectively.
  • Communicate across the organizationPerhaps the most crucial element of any change initiative is communication. Make sure that everyone, at all levels of the organization, understands the nature and purpose of the change.
  • Allow enough timeRushing change programs can lead to undesirable outcomes. Just like a cake needs time to bake, change initiatives require time to develop and mature. Don’t take them out of the oven prematurely.
  • Test with pilot programsBefore rolling out changes on a large scale, use pilot programs to test and learn. This approach helps identify potential issues and refine your strategy.
  • Learn from past experienceBuilding an internal capability to manage change allows organizations to learn from experience and so avoid making the same mistakes.
  • Tie business goals to human impactConnect the bottom-line requirements of your organization to the tangible human impact of change initiatives. Demonstrating how change benefits individuals can motivate and inspire.
  • Use data to explain changeData is a powerful tool in transformation efforts. It makes people’s needs and challenges visible, enabling data-driven decision making.

Discussion insights

Our roundtable discussion revealed some common challenges faced by HR professionals during transformation projects:

  • Siloed thinkingSilos can hinder effective communication and create confusion about project ownership. Transformation projects should aim to break down these barriers.
  • Underestimating the ecosystemFailing to understand the organizational ecosystem can lead to project failure. Identifying and involving key teams and players is crucial.
  • Restricted communicationCommunication should extend not only to stakeholders but to the whole workforce. People shouldn’t become invisible during transformations.
  • Fixed timelinesRigid timelines can force shortcuts, sacrificing essential change management activities. Flexibility is vital for project success.
  • Change fatigueIn today’s dynamic world, change fatigue is a real concern. Managing transformation carefully is essential to prevent employee and leadership burnout.
  • Lack of change management muscleIt can be challenging to develop in-house change management expertise when project leaders often move on after implementation.
  • Reactive changeA well-defined transformation strategy ensures that cost-cutting measures are made in the right areas, rather than in a reactive, ad-hoc manner.
  • Transformation without dataData is at the heart of successful transformation efforts. It brings clarity to complex situations and guides decision making.

Better, smoother transformations

Mastering organizational change is a continuous journey. By involving the right people, securing leadership buy-in, prioritizing communication, and making use of data, HR professionals can steer their organization through transformation projects successfully.

Embracing these insights will not only lead to smoother transitions, but also empower organizations to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

Want to find out how Orgvue can help?

Providing the data to support your approach, Orgvue enables you to:​

  • Speak in the language of finance on resources, costs, and investments​
  • Build stakeholder engagement between your​ HRBPs and the rest of the business​
  • Respond immediately to questions on your current and future workforce​
  • Accelerate decision making on matters of your ​organization and the workforce​
  • Drive your organization forward with actionable insight

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Organizational transformation

Shifting your organization structure, size and talent in response to change.