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Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation

Despite the rush to invest in AI, many businesses are unsure how they will integrate AI into the workforce effectively.

Artificial intelligence and its role in the workplace attracts emotionally charged conversations. All employees have their fears and hopes about what the technology can and will do.

Business leaders are under pressure to invest quickly without clear guardrails to ensure good outcomes. Meanwhile, AI evolves at breakneck speed.

This report provides a ‘State of the Nation’ perspective on AI and workforce transformation. Presenting the views of 1,000 business leaders in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Ireland, we explore:

  • How businesses are investing in AI for workplace transformation
  • The main challenges to overcome in the transition to an AI-assisted workforce
  • The practicalities of introducing the technology into organizational structures
  • How different countries and industries compare in their approach to AI

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