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Strategic workforce planning

Now is the time to align your workforce capacity, capability and cost to your strategy.

Why now?

Digital disruption, customer expectations, market shifts, competition, the great resignation, skills gap… the list of change drivers is long.

Moreover, research shows that 83% of HR leaders say they struggle to find enough talent with the necessary skills, 43% report difficulties in aligning talent needs to strategic business objectives, and 40% cannot build skill development solutions fast enough to meet evolving needs. Yet, less than half of CHROs are confident in their organization’s ability to execute workforce planning effectively and organizations typically spend less than 2% of their budget on organizational planning.

The time has come for businesses to properly link their workforce to their business strategy. To think resilience, agility, and shorter planning cycles.

Benefits of workforce planning

Effective workforce planning drives productivity

Studies have shown that effective workforce planning can double productivity. But what exactly do we mean by ‘effective workforce planning’ and what does it include?

  • A process that aligns the deployment of your workforce to deliver strategic business goals
  • A planning baseline that segments the workforce into key organizational dimensions and understands current cost and headcount
  • The ability to instantly identify gaps between workforce supply and demand over time
  • The ability to model and assign the right people with the right skills to appropriate work
  • Continuous monitoring of progress against both the workforce and business plan, and the ability to course correct as things change
Sphere, Disk, Diagram

Segment your workforce into key organizational dimensions

Why Orgvue?

Orgvue provides the technology foundation you need to align your workforce capacity, capability and cost to your strategy. How? By bringing together strategic workforce planning and organizational design in one continuous planning cycle, you can design your current organization in line with the projected needs of your business in the future.

Leaf, Plant, Logo

Strategy to people

A single technology that brings together the planning needs of Finance, HR and the business so your talent strategies reflect wider business demands.

A purple computer screen with pink vertical lines

Control your data

Overcome data challenges by creating a single planning baseline, from multiple sources, iterate, refresh data and replan without having to keep building models from scratch.

Flexible planning for better outcomes

Simplify tasks to make workforce planning easier and more efficient. Use automation or pre-built models to try different scenarios, see the impacts, and choose the best options for future workforce optimization. Maintain a consistent baseline throughout.

Petal, Plant, Flower

Secure collaboration

Minimize risk within a compliant environment, adhering to data protection regulations and best practice processes.

Business agility

Today’s market is unpredictable. Adopt shorter planning cycles and develop the agility to pivot when needed. Regularly revisiting and refining plans in advance reduces risk and improves workforce readiness over longer time horizons.

Workforce planning solution brief

Solution brief

Workforce planning

Read the solution brief to learn how Orgvue can help you to align your workforce to your organization’s goals with continuous workforce planning.

  • Common challenges to overcome with continuous workforce planning
  • 4 steps to continuous workforce planning
  • A SaaS platform that changes everything
  • A customer case study

How does Orgvue’s Workforce planning software help?


Build a strong planning baseline

Bring in data from your HRIS system, cost information, budget from Finance, payrolls or other planning systems.

Gather your data in one place, segment your workforce using key dimensions and see your organization clearly using powerful visualizations.

Answer questions such as:
  • Do I have the complete scope of position records for planning?
  • How is my workforce and cost base distributed today?
  • How do open positions impact the current structure and workforce?
  • Where in the organization am I over or under invested today?

Learn more about bringing in your workforce data together:

Data harmonization

Workforce planning software building a strong baseline

Setting up the demand planning in Orgvue – after having brought the data in, determine what your demand is going to look like over time

Workforce planning software viewing current plan compared to strategic demand plan

Viewing current plan (blue bars) and comparing it to strategic demand plan (orange)


Strategic workforce planning: Align your plans with your business strategy

Translate assumptions and simulate future demand and supply forecasts across multiple scenarios. Understand the long-term risks and opportunities related to workforce changes and model gap management measures.

Answer questions such as:
  • Where do I face the biggest talent risk due to attrition or retirement?
  • Which business units have the largest gap between supply and demand?
  • What measures should we take to get the right skills in place to execute our strategy?

Organization modeling: model in a safe and controlled environment

Simulate changes using Orgvue’s drag-and-drop simplicity, and instantly see the impact on your plan

Answer questions such as:
  • What if I closed five positions in a specific region, in two years?
  • What if I modified reporting lines?
  • What if I outsourced the R&D team?

Learn more about organization modeling for workforce planning:

Organization modeling

Workforce planning software modeling

Modeling in Orgvue: making changes to position (right-hand side), and seeing the implications of those changes (left-hand side)

Workforce planning software seeing the supply versus the demand gap

Seeing the supply versus demand gap for different role clusters, per quarter


Operational workforce planning: Define how you adjust positions in your workforce plan

Compare ‘as is’ and ‘to be’ costs, and forecast net full-time equivalent cost demand over time, highlight critical gaps, finalize budget and cost plan and delegate planning tasks across business units.

Answer questions such as:
  • Do any of my adjustments need validation? 
  • Where have I increased or decreased my teams cost? 
  • What roles am I planning to invest in the most in the coming periods? 

Tracking and monitoring: report on key metrics over time and see how they vary from your plan

Monitor actuals down to position level and review your plan accordingly.

Answer questions such as:
  • Am I actually meeting my planned headcount and cost? Which departments are off-plan?
  • Where do I need to adjust my plan due to unknown events?
  • Which functions or geographies are delivering to plan and which require further investigation?

Learn more about tracking and monitoring your workforce plan in Orgvue:

Tracking and monitoring

Workforce planning software tracking and monitoring progress

Viewing the progress between what was planned and the actuals (top chart), and wherever there’s a gap, understanding where it comes from and who’s accountable (in the bottom chart)

Workforce planning self assessment

In only one minute see your company’s capability compared with our industry benchmark in your free report with hints, tips, and recommended next steps.

Workforce planning resources

Logo Webinar (On-demand) Workforce planning demystified: a step-by-step approach
Learn how to link your strategy to your people for better outcomes. Download and watch our 30 minute on-demand webinar.
Orgvue CEO Oliver Shaw Podcast Planning for economic uncertainty: Workforce planning in action
Orgvue CEO Oliver Shaw discusses how to plan around an economic downturn and avoid making regrettable short-term decisions in this 35-minute podcast.
88% say shifts in the talent market have created a need for more regular planning Infographic Continuous workforce planning: turning theory into practice
Forrester surveyed 209 senior decision makers at large enterprises in North America, Europe and the United Kingdom to evaluate the state of workforce planning today.
Four faces in circles on a purple background with the text 45-min virtual debate, featuring M&T Bank and Forrester Webinar (On-demand) How to navigate future uncertainty with workforce planning
On-demand 45 minute webinar discussion on how to navigate future uncertainty with workforce planning – featuring Forrester

Frequently asked questions

What are the steps in workforce planning?

Workforce planning typically involves five key steps:
Setting strategic direction to align workforce planning goals with organizational objectives. 
Analyzing the workforce, where current skills and capabilities are assessed in view of future needs. 
Developing an action plan to address the gaps between current and future workforce needs. This might include strategies for hiring, training, or restructuring. 
Implementing strategies for how planned actions will be executed.
Monitoring and evaluating the outcomes against objectives and adjusting the plan as needed, based on performance metrics and changing business conditions.

What are workforce planning techniques?

Several techniques are central to effective workforce planning. Among these is gap analysis, which identifies the difference between current workforce capabilities and future needs. Scenario planning allows organizations to visualize future states of the business and develop flexible strategies to respond. Workforce analytics uses data analysis to predict trends, inform decision-making, and measure the effectiveness of workforce strategies. Lastly, demand forecasting estimates the number of employees needed to meet future business demands, considering factors like expansion plans, market trends, and technological advancements.

What are some workforce planning examples?

Workforce planning can manifest in different ways, depending on an organization’s specific needs and strategic goals. For example, a tech company might focus on upskilling its workforce to adapt to new software development technologies, ensuring its employees’ skills are current and competitive. Another example is a healthcare organization that might implement succession planning for critical roles to address the potential retirement of senior staff and ensure continuity of care. A retail chain facing seasonal fluctuations in demand could use workforce planning to optimize its mix of permanent and temporary staff throughout the year to meet customer service levels efficiently.

What does strategic workforce planning involve?

Strategic workforce planning involves taking a long-term view of an organization’s workforce needs based on its business strategy. It requires understanding the critical roles and skills necessary to achieve future business goals, analyzing current workforce demographics and capabilities, and forecasting future workforce requirements. This process includes identifying skill gaps, planning for succession in key positions and developing strategies for talent acquisition, development, and retention. Strategic workforce planning is proactive and focuses on making sure that the organization has the right talent in place to support its continued growth and success in a changing business environment.

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