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Beyond budgeting – getting control in a context of constant change

Join us on February 27 at 11:00AM EST or 4:00PM GMT

This informative webinar with Orgvue CEO, Oliver Shaw, will delve into how smarter budget planning can help you get ahead of your headcount requirements – before you find yourselves behind the game.

Delivering business outcomes committed in the annual budget requires the right people, in the right place, at the right time. But budgeting processes commonly deliver only an aggregate-level, assumptions-driven headcount plan based off partial, point-in-time baseline data.

Having got through the budgeting rounds, the scramble is on to develop an operational plan to deliver the required workforce. But the constantly changing workforce has moved on: By day one, many find themselves behind the game without clarity on the full pipeline of hiring activity. 

Then there’s the monthly grind to reconcile HR data with Finance forecasts, to stay in control as the workforce constantly changes. There’s the ever-present risk that disruptive transformation will be faced if the workforce cost base gets out of shape.

Join Orgvue CEO Oliver Shaw and Orgvue product expert Willem Potgieter to hear how leading practitioners are achieving competitive advantage by:

  • Connecting budgeting to the operational reality
  • Accommodating time-based factors in planning
  • Staying in control of constant change
  • Providing forward-looking insight to manage the workforce cost over the duration of the business cycle
Who should attend?

This webinar is ideal for HR, finance, and business leaders who are ready to go beyond outdated budgeting practices and take control in a world of constant change.

Meet the experts

Oliver Shaw

Oliver Shaw, Chief Executive Officer, Orgvue

Oliver has a track record in delivering shareholder value by executing strategies that drive growth in revenue and profit, while delivering world-class service to customers. Oliver helped to build one of the UK’s largest privately owned software companies to achieve a valuation in excess of £1 billion.

Willem Potgieter

Willem Potgieter, Solutions Consultant, Orgvue

Willem is a Senior Solutions Consultant at Orgvue. Before moving into the technology industry, Willem spent a sizable part of his career in Human Capital consulting, with a large part of his focus being on the development of Job and Skills Architecture for large enterprises.

At Orgvue Willem focusses his time on proving out the value for Orgvue’s array of solutions and application in the context of our prospects, customers and partners.


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