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Infographic: AI: The workforce transformation catalyst

Download our infographic summarizing organization’s views on AI in workforce transformation

We surveyed over 1,000 business leaders to bring you a state of the nation perspective on AI.

Our research reveals interesting contradictions in the business community concerning AI’s impact on the workforce. Although business leaders are rightly excited by the benefits the technology can bring, they are not without their reservations.

Take a look at our infographic for a taster of our research – and then read the full research in our ebook Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation

For AI to deliver benefits, organizations know they must take a human-first approach.

  • 78% believe that without human intervention, AI could produce negative outcomes
  • 70% say they have a responsibility to protect their workforce from redundancies
  • 80% plan to reskill employees to use AI
  • 49% will hire new talent with experience in AI

Organizations are beginning to realize that
the practicalities of embedding AI into
core business operations is far from simple.
There’s a dichotomy between the need for
business leaders to prepare for AI entering
the workforce, their desire for change, and
the organization’s ability to make this
transformation a reality.

Oliver Shaw, CEO, Orgvue

How Orgvue helps

Orgvue is an organizational design and planning platform that empowers your business to transform its workforce by understanding the work people do and the skills they have.

We do this by merging disparate datasets in a schemaless way, then visualizing and modeling current and future states of the organization to enable faster, more informed decisions. Our platform connects strategy to structure, providing clarity of vision, so you can build a more adaptable, better performing organization that thrives in a constantly changing world of work.

Orgvue is used by the world’s largest and best-known enterprises and consulting firms from offices in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.

We help our customers to confidently build the business they want tomorrow, today.

Carissa Kilgour, Piers Linney, Oliver Shaw, and Dan Cave Webinar (On-demand) AI in workforce transformation: obstacles, risks and a human first approach
This panel discussion delves into the widespread influence of AI on modern society and the workforce, unpacking the trends and contradictions behind the business impact of AI.
Preview image of the ebook 'Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation' Ebook Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation
This report provides a perspective on AI and workforce transformation. Presenting the views of 1,000 business leaders in the US, the UK, Canada, and Ireland.
Face, Head, Person Webinar (On-demand) Embracing AI in Workforce Transformation – Beyond the Hype
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Artificial Intelligence Infographic Infographic: The AI opportunity
Download our latest infographic to help you understand how the adoption of AI can provide huge opportunities for your organization.